// // This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License. // // To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ // // or send a letter to Creative Commons, 559 Nathan Abbott Way, Stanford, California 94305, USA. // // Francais (brouillon): http://creativecommons.org/projects/international/fr/translated-license // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Gestion des feeds RSS // v0.2.1 class RSS { var $chemin = "datas/"; var $err = array( "stop" => "oui", "log" => "oui", "debug" => "oui"); // Gestion des erreurs function _err($err,$debug="") { // Si le debug est activé if($this->err['debug'] == "oui" && !empty($debug)) $err.= "\n// DEBUG //\n".$debug; // Si on log les erreurs if($this->err['log'] == "oui") $this->erreurs[] = $err; // Si on s'arrête sur les erreurs if($this->err['stop'] == "oui") { echo "
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ORDER BY e.date DESC LIMIT 0,'.$limit; $res = mysql_query($req); if(!$res) return $this->_err("Problème technique.",$req."\n--> ".mysql_error()); while($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if(!$pubdate) $pubdate = $rec['date']; if(!$jtexte) $jtexte = $rec['jtexte']; if(!$jtitre) $jtitre = $rec['jtitre']; $url = id2url($rec['journal']).$rec['uri']; $items.= $this->_items($url); $out.= $this->_item($url,$rec['titre'],$rec['texte_html'], array("date"=>$rec['date'], "author"=>$rec['jtitre'], "source"=>id2url($rec['journal']))); } $out2 = $this->_header($jtitre,id2url($journal),$this->$jtexte,$pubdate,$items).$out.$this->_footer(); return $out2; } function derniers_forums($limit="") { if(empty($limit)) $limit = 20; $req = 'SELECT f.id,f.uri,f.date,f.titre,f.journal,j.titre AS jtitre,f.tempo,f.reponses,t.texte FROM forums AS f, journaux AS j, '. "forums_textes AS t WHERE f.journal=j.id AND f.id=t.id AND f.status='online' AND f.parent='0' AND j.statut IN ('collectif','public') ORDER BY f.tempo DESC LIMIT 0,".$limit; $res = mysql_query($req); if(!$res) return $this->_err("Problème technique.",$req."\n--> ".mysql_error()); while($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { if(!$pubdate) $pubdate = $rec['date']; $url = id2url($rec['journal'])."forum/".$rec['uri']; $texte = $rec['texte']; $items.= $this->_items($url); $out.= $this->_item($url,$rec['titre'],$texte, array("date"=>$rec['date'],"author"=>$rec['jtitre'],"source"=>id2url($rec['journal'])."forum/")); } $out2 = $this->_header($GLOBALS['cfg']['titre'],$GLOBALS['cfg']['url'],"Derniers messages sur les forums des journaux publics.", $pubdate,$items).$out.$this->_footer(); return $out2; } function stats() { $champs = array("membres","journaux","ecrits","forums","messages"); foreach($champs as $el) { $req = 'SELECT COUNT(id) FROM '.$el; $res = mysql_query($req); if(!$res) return $this->_err("Problème technique.",$req."\n--> ".mysql_error()); $rec = mysql_fetch_row($res); $out2.= $this->_item(id2url("public")."stats.php/view/".$el,ucfirst($el),$rec[0]); mysql_free_result($res); } $out = $this->_header($GLOBALS['cfg']['titre'],$GLOBALS['cfg']['url'],"Statistiques globales",time()).$out2.$this->_footer(); return $out; } function liste_journaux() { $res = mysql_query("SELECT id,titre,texte,dernier FROM journaux WHERE statut IN ('public','collectif') ORDER BY titre"); while($rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $texte = strip_tags($rec['texte']); $out2.= $this->_item(id2url($rec['id']),$rec['titre'],$texte,array("date"=>$rec['dernier'])); } $out = $this->_header($GLOBALS['cfg']['titre'],$GLOBALS['cfg']['url'],"Liste des journaux publics",time()).$out2.$this->_footer(); return $out; } } ?>