* { margin: 0; padding: 0; } body { padding: 1em; font-family: sans-serif; }

Please reload the page or go back.

Error happened

'; if (ALTERNZ_SHOW_ERRORS) { echo '

In '.$err_src.' at line '.$err_line.'.

'; echo '


'; if (!empty($GLOBALS['_debug_log'])) { echo '
            echo '
'; } } echo '
'; if (ALTERNZ_REPORT_ERRORS) { @mail(ALTERNZ_REPORT_ERRORS, 'alternZ Error', 'Error in '.$err_src.' at line '.$err_line."\n\nMessage:\n".$err_msg); } exit; } define('ENABLE_DEBUG', true); set_error_handler('alternz_error_handler'); if (!file_exists('config.local.php')) die('You should copy config.inc.php to config.local.php and edit it to meet your needs.'); require_once('config.local.php'); require_once('class.mysql.php'); DB::setConfig(MYSQL_HOST, MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD, MYSQL_BASE); require_once SMARTY_DIR . 'Smarty.class.php'; $tpl = new Smarty(); $tpl->template_dir = 'templates/'; $tpl->compile_dir = 'cache/'; $tpl->caching = 0; $tpl->compile_check = true; function loadClass($class) { $file = 'class.'.$class.'.php'; if (!in_array($file, get_included_files())) require_once($file); } if (!defined('LOGIN_PROCESS')) { loadClass('users'); $users = new Users(); if (!$users->isLogged()) { header('location: ./login.php'); exit; } if (MYDNS_MYSQL_DATABASE != '') { loadClass('domains'); $tpl->assign('domains_list', Domains::getList()); } $tpl->assign('user', Users::getVars()); } ?>