, licence Creative Commons By-Nc-Sa // http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/fr/ // Pour les utilisations commerciales, contactez l'auteur. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Configuration de l'accès // $access: limitation de l'accès // * "free" pour accès libre non limité, // * "ip" pour limitation par adresse IP // * "password" pour limitation par mot depasse // * "ip or password" pour limitation par IP ou mot de passe // * "ip and password" pour limitation par IP et mot de passe $access = "ip or password"; // $ip: Adresse IP pour accès limité $ip = ""; // $password: Mot de passe pour accès limité $password = "abcd"; // $links: Liens de bas de page (en HTML) $links = 'BohwaZ.KD2.org'; // WEB_PATH: Chemin racine d'accès aux fichiers define('WEB_PATH','./'); // Fin de la configuration (se reporter à la classe template pour la gestion des Urls propres) //////////////////////////////////////////////// if(!function_exists("file_put_contents")) die("You need PHP5 and SimpleXML Module to use this script."); class Manager { var $XmlFiles = array(); function ReadFile($file) { return file_get_contents($file); } function WriteFile($file,$contents) { if(@!file_put_contents($file,$contents)) die("Can't write to $file, check permissions."); return TRUE; } function simplexml2array($xml) { if (get_class($xml) == 'SimpleXMLElement') { $attributes = $xml->attributes(); foreach($attributes as $k=>$v) { if ($v) $a[$k] = utf8_decode((string) $v); } $x = $xml; $xml = get_object_vars($xml); } if (is_array($xml)) { if (count($xml) == 0) return utf8_decode((string) $x); // for CDATA foreach($xml as $key=>$value) { if(is_int($key) && isset($value['filename'])) $key = (string) $value['filename']; if(is_int($key) && isset($value['name'])) $key = (string) $value['name']; if($key == substr($value,0,1)) $r[] = $this->simplexml2array($value); else $r[$key] = $this->simplexml2array($value); } #if (isset($a)) $r['@'] = $a; // Attributes return $r; } return utf8_decode((string) $xml); } function ReadXML($dir) { if(!file_exists($dir."/.fotoo-datas.xml")) return FALSE; $content = $this->ReadFile($dir."/.fotoo-datas.xml"); $xml = simplexml_load_string($content); $filename = (string) $xml->photo['filename']; $xml = $this->simplexml2array($xml); if(isset($xml['photo']['title']) && !empty($filename)) $xml['photo'] = array($filename=>$xml['photo']); if(count($xml['photo']) > 0) { $newPhoto = array(); foreach($xml['photo'] as $id=>$val) { if(!is_array($val)) $val = array(); $f = $id; $dir2 = $xml['directory']; $val['thumb'] = "$dir2/.thumbs/$f"; $val['small'] = "$dir2/.smalls/$f"; $val['path'] = "$dir2/$f"; if(count($val['keyword']) == 1) $val['keyword'] = array($val['keyword']); $newPhoto[$id] = $val; } $xml['photo'] = $newPhoto; } return $xml; } function WriteXML($dir,$title,$desc,$licence,$photos) { $xmlfile = ''; $xmlfile.= "\n\n ".$dir."\n"; if(!empty($title)) $xmlfile.= " ".htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode(stripslashes($title)))."\n"; if(!empty($desc)) $xmlfile.= " \n"; if(!empty($licence)) $xmlfile.= " \n"; $xmlfile.= "\n"; foreach($photos as $el) { $xmlfile.= " \n"; if(!empty($el['title'])) $xmlfile.= " ".htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode(stripslashes($el['title'])))."\n"; if(!empty($el['desc'])) $xmlfile.= " \n"; if(is_array($el['keywords']) && count($el['keywords']) > 0) { foreach($el['keywords'] as $keyword) $xmlfile.= " ".htmlspecialchars(utf8_encode(stripslashes(trim($keyword))))."\n"; } $xmlfile.= " \n\n"; } $xmlfile.= "\n"; $this->WriteFile($dir."/.fotoo-datas.xml",$xmlfile); return TRUE; } function delete($file,$dir) { @unlink($dir."/".$file); @unlink($dir."/.thumbs/".$file); @unlink($dir."/.smalls/".$file); $xml = $this->ReadXML($dir); if(count($xml['photo']) > 0) { unset($xml['photo'][$file]); $this->WriteXML($dir,$xml['title'],$xml['desc'],$xml['licence'],$xml['photo']); } return TRUE; } function IsFotooDir($dir) { if(!file_exists("$dir/.thumbs") || !is_dir("$dir/.thumbs")) return FALSE; if(!file_exists("$dir/.smalls") || !is_dir("$dir/.smalls")) return FALSE; #if(!file_exists("$dir/.fotoo-datas.xml")) return FALSE; #return access & dir thumb return TRUE; } function IsFotooFile($dir,$file) { if(!file_exists("$dir/.thumbs/$file") || !file_exists("$dir/.smalls/$file")) return FALSE; return TRUE; } function ExtractExifDate($file) { $exif = exif_read_data($file,'FILE'); if($exif === FALSE) return FALSE; $date = explode(" ",$exif['DateTime']); $time = substr($date[1],0,5); $date = explode(":",$date[0]); $outDate = $date[2]."-".$date[1]."-".$date[0]." ".$time; return $outDate; } function GetDirectory($dir) { $files = scandir($dir); if($dir != ".") $dir2 = "$dir/"; $xml = $this->ReadXML($dir); $outFiles = array(); $outDirs = array(); foreach($files as $f) { if(substr($f,0,1) == "." || substr($f,-4) == ".xml") continue; $fArray = array(); $fArray['name'] = $f; if(is_dir("$dir2$f")) { if($this->IsFotooDir("$dir2$f")) { $fArray['type'] = "photodir"; if($xml2 = $this->ReadXML($dir2.$f)) $fArray = array_merge($xml2,$fArray); } else $fArray['type'] = "normaldir"; $outDirs[] = $fArray; } else { #if($size = @filesize("$dir2$f")) $fArray['size'] = $size; if($this->IsFotooFile($dir,$f)) { $fArray['type'] = "photo"; if($xml && isset($xml['photo'][$f])) $fArray = array_merge($xml['photo'][$f],$fArray); else $fArray['thumb'] = $dir2.".thumbs/".$f; $fArray['date'] = $this->ExtractExifDate("$dir2$f"); } else $fArray['type'] = "file"; $outFiles[] = $fArray; } } sort($outDirs); sort($outFiles); $out = array_merge($outDirs,$outFiles); return $out; } function ScanForXml($dir) { $files = scandir($dir); if($dir != ".") $dir2 = $dir."/"; if(file_exists($dir2.".fotoo-datas.xml")) $this->XmlFiles[] = $dir; foreach($files as $f) { if(substr($f,0,1) == ".") continue; if(is_dir($dir2.$f)) $this->ScanForXml($dir2.$f); } } function BuildKeywords() { $this->ScanForXml("."); $keywords = array(); foreach($this->XmlFiles as $d) { $xml = $this->ReadXML($d); foreach($xml['photo'] as $id=>$val) { if(is_array($val['keyword'])) { foreach($val['keyword'] as $k) { $keywords[$k][] = array("path"=>$xml['directory'].'/'.$id,"thumb"=>$xml['directory'].'/.thumbs/'.$id, "title"=> empty($val['title']) ? $id : $val['title']); } } } } $xmlfile = ''; $xmlfile.= "\n\n"; foreach($keywords as $word=>$files) { $xmlfile.= " \n"; foreach($files as $f) $xmlfile.= " \n ".utf8_encode($f['title'])."\n ".$f['thumb']."\n ".$f['path']."\n \n"; $xmlfile.= " \n\n"; } $xmlfile.= "\n"; $this->WriteFile('fotoo-keywords.xml',$xmlfile); return TRUE; } function LoadKeywords() { if(!file_exists("fotoo-keywords.xml")) return FALSE; $content = $this->ReadFile("fotoo-keywords.xml"); $xml = simplexml_load_string($content); $xml = $this->simplexml2array($xml); $keywords = array(); foreach($xml['keyword'] as $keyword=>$value) { if(array_key_exists('title',$value['file'])) $value['file'] = array($value['file']); foreach($value['file'] as $f) { $keywords[utf8_decode($keyword)][] = array("title"=>$f['title'],"path"=>$f['path'],"thumb"=>$f['thumb']); } } return $keywords; } function CheckAccess() { $mode = $GLOBALS['access']; if($mode == "free") return TRUE; $mode = explode(" ",$mode); if(in_array("ip",$mode)) $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; if(in_array("or",$mode)) $or = TRUE; if(in_array("password",$mode)) { session_start(); $password = $_SESSION['fotooMMsession']; $passEnabled = TRUE; } if(!$ip && !$passEnabled) return TRUE; $truePassword = md5($GLOBALS['password']); $trueIP = $GLOBALS['ip']; if(($ip && $or && $passEnabled) && (($ip == $trueIP) || ($password == $truePassword))) return TRUE; elseif(($ip && $passEnabled) && (($ip == $trueIP) && ($password == $truePassword))) return TRUE; elseif($ip && $ip == $trueIP) return TRUE; elseif($passEnabled && $password == $truePassword) return TRUE; return FALSE; } function Login($password) { $truePassword = $GLOBALS['password']; if($password != $truePassword) return FALSE; session_set_cookie_params(0,'/'); session_start(); $_SESSION['fotooMMsession'] = md5($password); return TRUE; } function Logout() { session_start(); $_SESSION = array(); session_unset(); session_destroy(); return TRUE; } } class Template { // URLS Propres (commentées par défaut) //var $url = "MODE/PATH"; //var $errUrl = "MODE/PATH?err=ERROR"; // URLs moches utilisées par défaut var $url = "mini-manager.php?mode=MODE&dir=PATH"; var $errUrl = "mini-manager.php?mode=MODE&dir=PATH&err=ERROR"; var $adminUrl = "mini-manager.php5?mode=MODE&dir=PATH"; function URL($path,$mode,$err="") { if(empty($err)) $url = $this->url; else { $url = $this->errUrl; $url = str_replace("ERROR",urlencode($err),$url); } if($mode == "admin") $url = $this->adminUrl; $url = str_replace("MODE",$mode,$url); $url = str_replace("PATH",str_replace("%2F","/",($mode == "admin" ? $path : urlencode($path))),$url); return WEB_PATH.$url; } function Header($mode,$title,$dir="") { $out[] = ''; $out[] = ''; $out[] = ''; $out[] = ' '.$title.''; $out[] = ' '; $out[] = ' '; $out[] = ''; $out[] = ''; if($mode == "keyword") { $path = '