connect()) die("Unable to connect to DB. Check config."); if($db->checkDB()) die("Already installed."); if(isset($_POST) && array_key_exists("install",$_POST)) { // Creating database... $db->connect(); $users->db = $db; $blogs->db = $db; $billets->db = $db; $commentaires->db = $db; $users->initializeDB(); $blogs->initializeDB(); $billets->initializeDB(); $commentaires->initializeDB(); header("location: login.php?err=".urlencode("Installation is successful.")); } echo $xhtml->head('Installation','admin'); echo '
'; if(isset($errorMessage) && (count($errorMessage) > 0)) echo '


'; echo '

We\'re going to create the database needed by phpINK demo for you.

An admin user account will be created with "admin" as login and "abcd" as password, change the password as soon as you will be connected.

'; echo $xhtml->foot(TRUE); ?>