Copyright (C) 2005 Nils Knappmeier next version This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. About: I searched a function to compare arrays and the array_diff() was not specific enough. It ignores the order of the array-values. So I reimplemented the diff-function which is found on unix-systems but this you can use directly in your code and adopt for your needs. Simply adopt the formatline-function. with the third-parameter of arr_diff() you can hide matching lines. Hope someone has use for this. Contact: **/ # split the source text into arrays of lines if (is_array($old)) $t1 = $old; else $t1 = explode("\n",$old); $x = array_pop($t1); if ($x>'') $t1[]="$x\n\\ No newline at end of file"; if (is_array($new)) $t2 = $new; else $t2 = explode("\n",$new); $x=array_pop($t2); if ($x>'') $t2[]="$x\n\\ No newline at end of file"; # build a reverse-index array using the line as key and line number as value # don't store blank lines, so they won't be targets of the shortest distance # search foreach($t1 as $i=>$x) { if ($x>'') $r1[$x][]=$i; } foreach($t2 as $i=>$x) if ($x>'') $r2[$x][]=$i; $a1=0; $a2=0; # start at beginning of each list $actions=array(); # walk this loop until we reach the end of one of the lists while ($a1=$s1) { $d=$n; break; } } } if ($d>=$s1 && ($d+$s2-$a1-$a2)<($best1+$best2-$a1-$a2)) { $best1=$d; $best2=$s2; } $d=-1; if (isset($t1[$s1]) && isset($r2[$t1[$s1]])) { foreach((array)@$r2[$t1[$s1]] as $n) { if ($n>=$s2) { $d=$n; break; } } } if ($d>=$s2 && ($s1+$d-$a1-$a2)<($best1+$best2-$a1-$a2)) { $best1=$s1; $best2=$d; } $s1++; $s2++; } while ($a1<$best1) { $actions[]=1; $a1++; } # deleted elements while ($a2<$best2) { $actions[]=2; $a2++; } # added elements } # we've reached the end of one list, now walk to the end of the other while($a10) { $xstr = ($x1==($x0+1)) ? $x1 : ($x0+1).",$x1"; $ystr = ($y1==($y0+1)) ? $y1 : ($y0+1).",$y1"; if ($op==1) $out[] = "{$xstr}d{$y1}"; elseif ($op==3) $out[] = "{$xstr}c{$ystr}"; while ($x0<$x1) { $out[] = '< '.$t1[$x0]; $x0++; } # deleted elems if ($op==2) $out[] = "{$x1}a{$ystr}"; elseif ($op==3) $out[] = '---'; while ($y0<$y1) { $out[] = '> '.$t2[$y0]; $y0++; } # added elems } $x1++; $x0=$x1; $y1++; $y0=$y1; $op=0; } $out[] = ''; if ($return_as_array) return $out; else return implode("\n",$out); } /** * Applies a diff to a text * * @param string $original Original text to patch * @param string $patch Diff text * @param bool $return_as_array Returns the patched text as an array */ static public function patch($original, $patch, $return_as_array = false) { $new = array(); if (!is_array($patch)) $patch = explode("\n", $patch); if (!is_array($original)) $original = explode("\n", str_replace("\r", "", $original)); $i = 0; foreach ($patch as $line) { if (empty($line)) continue; $line = str_replace("\n\\ No newline at end of file", "", $line); if ($line[0] == '>') { $new[] = substr($line, 2); } elseif (preg_match('!^(?P[0-9]+)(?:,(?P[0-9]+))?(?P[acd])(?P[0-9]+)(?:,(?[0-9]+))?$!', trim($line), $match)) { $sub = ($match['mode'] == 'a') ? 0 : 1; for ($a = $i; $a < ($match['ob'] - $sub); $a++) { $new[] = $original[$a]; } $i = $match['oe'] ? (int) $match['oe'] : (int) $match['ob']; } } for ($a = $i; $a < count($original); $a++) { $new[] = $original[$a]; } return $return_as_array ? $new : implode("\n", $new); } /** * Returns an array showing differences between two arrays * * @param string $diff Diff text, set to false and the diff will be made from $old and $new * @param string $old Old text * @param string $new New text, could be set to false if the diff is supplied * @param bool $show_context Include context in the array? Set to false to avoid context, set to true to have all the context and set to an (int) to have this number of lines of context before and after each modified line */ static public function diff_to_array($diff = false, $old, $new = false, $show_context = true) { if ($diff === false && $new === false) { throw new Exception("diff_to_array needs either the diff text or the new text file"); } if ($diff === false) { $diff = self::diff($old, $new, true); } if (!is_array($diff)) $old = explode("\n", $diff); if (!is_array($old)) $old = explode("\n", $old); if ($new === false) $new = self::patch($old, $diff, true); if (!is_array($new)) $new = explode("\n", $new); $left = $right = $context = array(); $max_lines = max(count($new), count($old)); // Creating an array of changed lines for left and right texts foreach ($diff as $line) { if (preg_match('!^(?P[0-9]+)(?:,(?P[0-9]+))?(?P[acd])(?P[0-9]+)(?:,(?[0-9]+))?$!', trim($line), $match)) { if (empty($match['oe'])) $match['oe'] = $match['ob']; if (empty($match['ne'])) $match['ne'] = $match['nb']; if ($match['mode'] == 'a') { for ($i = $match['nb']; $i <= $match['ne']; $i++) { $right[$i - 1] = true; $max_lines++; } } elseif ($match['mode'] == 'd') { for ($i = $match['ob']; $i <= $match['oe']; $i++) { $left[$i - 1] = true; $max_lines++; } } else { for ($i = $match['nb']; $i <= $match['ne']; $i++) { $right[$i - 1] = true; } for ($i = $match['ob']; $i <= $match['oe']; $i++) { $left[$i - 1] = true; } } if ($show_context && $show_context !== true) { $min = $match['ob'] - (int) $show_context; if ($min < 1) $min = 1; $max = $match['oe'] + (int) $show_context; if ($max > count($new)) $max = count($new); for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) { $context[$i - 1] = true; } } } } $out = array(); $left_index = 0; $right_index = 0; $i = 0; // Then we can compile this to an array of changed things while ($i < $max_lines) { $row = array(); // Line present in left but not in right ? deleted if (isset($left[$left_index]) && !isset($right[$right_index])) { $row = array(self::DEL, $old[$left_index], ''); $left_index++; } // Line present in right but not in left ? added elseif (isset($right[$right_index]) && !isset($left[$left_index])) { $row = array(self::INS, '', $new[$right_index]); $right_index++; } else { // Changed line if (isset($left[$left_index]) && isset($right[$right_index])) { $row = array(self::CHANGED, $old[$left_index], $new[$right_index]); } // Or nothing happened else { // We want all the context, ok if ($show_context === true || isset($context[$left_index])) { $l = isset($old[$left_index]) ? $old[$left_index] : ''; $r = isset($new[$right_index]) ? $new[$right_index] : ''; $row = array(self::SAME, $l, $r); } } $right_index++; $left_index++; } $i++; if (!empty($row)) { $out[($i - 1)] = $row; } } return $out; } /** * Generates a word-diff, like the GNU wdiff utility (kind of) * * @param string $old Left right to compare * @param string $new Right line to compare * @param string $union Union string to assemble words (default is whitespace) */ static public function wdiff($old, $new, $union = ' ') { $diff = self::diff_to_array(false, explode(' ', $old), explode(' ', $new)); $out = ''; foreach ($diff as $line) { list ($change, $old, $new) = $line; if ($change == self::CHANGED) { $out .= '[-' . $old . '-]'; $out .= $union; $out .= '{+' . $new . '+}'; } elseif ($change == self::DEL) { $out .= '[-' . $old . '-]'; } elseif ($change == self::INS) { $out .= '{+' . $new . '+}'; } else { $out .= $old; } $out .= $union; } $out = str_replace('+}' . $union . '{+', ' ', $out); $out = str_replace('-]' . $union . '[-', ' ', $out); return $out; } } ?>