* Type: outputfilter
* Name: trimwhitespace
* Date: Jan 25, 2003
* Purpose: trim leading white space and blank lines from
* template source after it gets interpreted, cleaning
* up code and saving bandwidth. Does not affect
* <
>and blocks.
* from application.
* @author Monte Ohrt .*?!is", $tpl_source, $match); $_pre_blocks = $match[0]; $tpl_source = preg_replace("!
.*?!is", '@@@TEMPLATELITE:TRIM:PRE@@@', $tpl_source); // Pull out the textarea blocks preg_match_all("!!is", $tpl_source, $match); $_textarea_blocks = $match[0]; $tpl_source = preg_replace("!!is", '@@@TEMPLATELITE:TRIM:TEXTAREA@@@', $tpl_source); // remove all leading spaces, tabs and carriage returns NOT // preceeded by a php close tag. $tpl_source = trim(preg_replace('/((?)\n)[\s]+/m', '\1', $tpl_source)); // replace script blocks template_outputfilter_trimwhitespace_replace("@@@TEMPLATELITE:TRIM:SCRIPT@@@",$_script_blocks, $tpl_source); // replace pre blocks template_outputfilter_trimwhitespace_replace("@@@TEMPLATELITE:TRIM:PRE@@@",$_pre_blocks, $tpl_source); // replace textarea blocks template_outputfilter_trimwhitespace_replace("@@@TEMPLATELITE:TRIM:TEXTAREA@@@",$_textarea_blocks, $tpl_source); return $tpl_source; } function template_outputfilter_trimwhitespace_replace($search_str, $replace, &$subject) { $_len = strlen($search_str); $_pos = 0; for ($_i=0, $_count=count($replace); $_i<$_count; $_i++) { if (($_pos=strpos($subject, $search_str, $_pos))!==false) { $subject = substr_replace($subject, $replace[$_i], $_pos, $_len); } else { break; } } } ?>